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Your Self Care Prescription

Apr 28, 2021

Alisha is the queen of self-care and she wants you to make sure to remember to take care of yourself. Grief has caught up her and this is the start of intentional self care and she is bringing you along of the ride so get ready because you will be taking care of yourself too!

During this time of breakthrough Alisha sat...

Apr 21, 2021

Today we welcome the newest member to the Fly Widow Community, Rachel Engstrom. She lost her husband from Leukemia 2 days after she turned 31.

In this episode, you can expect to hear:

* Surviving after grief

* Ways to prepare yourself 

*Surrounding yourself with other people

* Traveling as a therapy

*Loving yourself


Apr 5, 2021

"There's so much to be grateful for and so much to be happy about. We have so much to look forward to especially with our children."

- Azurae Redmond


Hey Fly Widow Family!

Today we welcome the newest member to the Fly Widow Community, Azurae Redmond a mother of 2 toddlers, who lost her husband to lung cancer.

In this...